Last updated July 7, 2009
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tea ca4 coffee 咖啡 gaa3 fei1
english tea 西茶 sai ca4 coke 可樂 ho2 lok6
milk naai5 cows milk 牛奶 ngau4 naai5
fruit juice 果汁 gwo2 zap1 orange juice 橙汁 caang2 zap1
soft drink
汽水 hei3 seoi2 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 ngau4 naai5 gaa3 fei1
wine zau2 red wine 紅酒 hung4 zau2
white wine 白酒 baak6 zau2 rice wine 米酒 mai5 zau2
beer 啤酒 be1 zau2 spirits 燒酒 siu1 zau2

cup/glass bui1 tea cup 茶杯 ca4 bui1
wine glass 酒杯 zau2 bui1
(jau bui)
bottle zeon1

Language Note

In chinese there is no distinction between wine, alcohol or spirits - they are all 酒

Usage Example

我想飲茶 : I want to drink tea
你鐘意飲咩? : What do you like to drink?
我鐘意飲汽水 : I like drinking soft drinks

Character Analysis

燒 = burned, boiled or heated
啤 = chosen as it sounds like "beer"
紅 = red  白 = white
汽水 = gas + water
西茶 = western + tea



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