Last updated July 7, 2009
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家 Family (2) 家

   Written Oral
elder brother 哥哥 go3 go2 大佬 daai6 lou2
elder sister 姊姊 zi3 zi2 家姐 ga1 ze2
elder sister
姐姐 ze3 ze2 姐姐 ze3 ze2
younger brother 弟弟 dai3 dai2 細佬 sai3 lou2
younger sister 妹妹 mui3 mui2 細妹 sai3 mui2
祖母 zou2 mou5 啊嬤/嬤嬤 aa3 maa4 / 
maa4 maa4
祖父 zou2 fu6 啊爺/爺爺 aa3 je4 / 
je4 je4
外祖母 ngoi6 zou2 mou5 婆婆 po4 po2
外祖父 ngoi6 zou2 fu6 公公 gung1 gung1



I am her elder sister  我係佢姐姐  ngo5 hai6 keoi5 go3 ze3 ze2
I have two elder brothers and one younger brother 我有兩個哥哥同埋一個細佬  ngo5 jau5 loeng5 go3 go3 go2 tung4 maai4 jat1 go3 sai3 lou2

Usage Note

It is probably fair to say that the Chinese language puts greater emphasis on the types of relationships in a family than in English.  Distinctions according to age, paternal or maternal relationship and more are common when describing a person. This extends to uncles and aunts and can get rather complex...
哥哥﹐  弟弟 and 妹妹 will also be understood  for spoken use

Character Analysis

同埋 = "and"


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