Last updated July 7, 2009
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Supernatural and fantastical words from Eastern and Western culture!  Please post other suggestions here.
Search for Fantasy posters (and help this website):
fairy, immortal sin1 dragon lung4 / 5
magic, fantasy waan6 kirin beast 麒麟 kei4 leon4
phoenix (western) 不死鳥 bat1 sei2 niu5 phoenix (eastern) 鳳凰 fung6 wong4
unicorn (western) 獨角獸 duk6 gok3 sau3 unicorn zaai6
vampire (western) 吸血鬼 kap1 hyut3 gwai2 vampire (eastern) 殭屍 goeng1 si1 
archer 弓箭手 gung1 zin3 sau2 archer? 射手 se6 sau2
warrior 戰士 zin3 si6 priest 神父 san4 fu6
wizard 魔術師 mo1 seot6 si1 shaman 巫師 mou4 si1
god (generic) san4 elf 精靈 zing1 ling4
dwarf 矮人 ngai2 jan4 hobbit 哈比人 haa1 bei3 jan4
ghost gwai2 demon 魔鬼 mo1 gwai2


Language Note

吸血鬼 = "suck blood ghost"    僵屍 = "stiff corpse"  不 = not 死 = death  鳥 = long tailed bird
弓 = bow  箭 = arrow  射 = shoot, archery  手 = hand  神 = god; spirit  父 = father
巫 = witch, wizard  師 = master  戰 = war; fighting  士 = knight, warrior  
精 = fine; delicate; skilled; clever  靈 = elf; faery; spirit  
麒麟 used to refer to a giraffe(!) The word "Kirin" comes from the Japanese pronunciation of these characters.
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