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This section of the site contains reviews of various Chinese related products.

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Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced
Portable electronic speaking dictionaries - again, I don't have any of these to review yet.
Windows (affiliate page) | Pocket PC


A Note about Affiliate Schemes

On all reviews I will link to the product if it is available for purchase.  In some cases these links will be affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and purchase the product a small percentage of your purchase will go towards the upkeep of this site.  

In some cases I am also linking to sites such as for people in the UK and Europe.  If you click this link you will NOT be helping this site.  You will however be donating a small amount to a charity in my local community. More information... This is because I am already a charity affiliate for and haven't yet bothered to set up another account with them for this site.

Either way, you will still pay the same amount for the product if you hadn't used the link.

Although I have signed up to various affiliate schemes I will never be anything other than strictly honest when reviewing products. It is not my intention to make a profit from this website and in my experience affiliate fees only cover a fraction of the costs of running a site on a professional webserver. If I receive any monies at all I would expect them, at best, to cover the cost of a few more Chinese books from an online shop!


Do you want to comment or contribute to these reviews?

If you would like to submit any new reviews please mail me at  If you would like to comment on any of the reviews you can do so below the review itself.


Sponsors: One-on-One Online Chinese Tutoring | Learn Chinese | Spanish Language
Chinese Language | Learn Chinese in China | Learn Mandarin in China | Chinese School | Cantonese lessons in London